Admin Portal Switcher / Manage multiple portals

Gathering votes

It would be nice to see a list of the portals linked with your account, and then easily switch into them.


1 year ago

Kit T

It would be nice to have this one and manage multiple Portal Dashboard, thanks!

0    7 months ago    Reply

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100% Would be huge in my agency

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Indeed! This is such a key Account Administration functionality, surprisingly missing in such a feature-rich app, that I assume (and hope) more and more users will come here and support this request.

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Ruben changed status to Gathering votes

1 year ago


Thanks for your idea! This is added to our wish list. New integrations and features are being planned and built from that wish list. We will look at the number of votes an idea has and prioritize based on that.

0    1 year ago    Reply

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