Creating posts


Posts are content shared on ProductLift by a user, and you should see them as pieces of work such as a feature or a bug.

Posts can be from various sources. Commonly they can be created by a user of your software.

Posts can have comments, attachments, references, votes, internal comments, and more information.

Methods to create posts

  1. Bulk create
  2. Import from file
  3. Feedback process
  4. Create via API

1. Bulk create

Add one or multiples posts in one go. Posts will be created on your behalf.

Posts > Bulk add

2. Import from file

Importing posts from a CSV or Excel file.

3. Feedback process

You can follow the regular feedback / post creation process that users follow.

4. Create via API

You can use our ProductLift API to create posts programmatically.


7 months ago