Custom fields

Gathering votes

Enable custom fields to ask to customers when creating new ideas.


2 years ago


Custom fields would be useful to store the unique idea from another system (project management tool, etc)

Then we can use webhooks to sync the post data between 2 different platforms.

1    1 year ago    Reply

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Truegold I Am

I would like to have a custom field where I can assign a completed idea (Update) to a release version. Maybe a couple of other fields as well. And ability to search and sort by.

1    2 years ago    Reply

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Yes, would be excellent if we can ask things like what country they're coming from - people show different behaviors to our products based on their country

1    2 years ago    Reply

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Paul Taylor

This would be awesome. Especially as the system can be used for various other things, eg I am using it for Idea Management system and I would like to have a few additional questions asked when submitting an idea

1    2 years ago    Reply

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Ruben changed status to Gathering votes

2 years ago