Include Vision / OKR Tab

Gathering votes

Dear team,

i would like to see antother tab to give our customers the possibility to get a kind of vision for the future. We are working here wiht the OKR system. Once in a year we develop and update this vision with our customer. It would be great if it is possible to show this to all people involved in these projects to give them a kind of idea what the focus relies on in the next time.
The benefit of this feature is to give everyone a condensed simple view of the strategy without loosing in details like hundrets of ideas. In a second step you even can link the given ideas with your strategy to discuss feedback from the users/basis.

thank you in advance



2 years ago

Ruben changed status to Gathering votes

2 years ago


Hi Flo, thanks for your idea! Sounds good! I am thinking how this would look like in ProductLift, how does the OKR tab relate with the others? Is it like standalone or more embedded?

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Ruben, I think it is the same direction. I would see this tab or section more independent, so users do not have the possibility to change anything in this tab. But the managemnt can link strategies to ideas or changes.


0    2 years ago    Reply

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@Fm: Could be a cool combi!
Thanks for your idea! This is added to ProductLift’s wish list. New integrations and features are being planned and built from that wish list. We will look at the number of votes an idea has and prioritize based on that.

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